Thursday, October 25

A day in the Dissection Lab

It's been a really busy week in the life of The London Massage Company, but when isn't it!

Jane has been in the dissection labs at Kings College, London taking some students on a journey of anatomy. And what a journey it is. For those of you reading this that have been in a dissection lab, you know what I'm talking about. When I was a student on the APNT Sports Injuries & Massage Diploma I had the opportunity of being in the dissection lab for a day, and it's a day I will certainly never forget.

I was a little apprehensive as I set off for Kings College that morning as I had no idea what to expect, well, apart from cadavers, and I wasn't sure how I was going to react on seeing one. Another thought was, 'I must prepare myself for the smell'. So with Vics Vapour rub at the ready and a clear view of the exit (just in case) we entered the dissection lab. The reality was much better than my preconceived ideas. Cadavers were just that and the Vics was used only twice.

The room was a little cold and adorned with jar-upon-jar of body parts in formaldehyde which were instantly fascinating. We donned our white lab coats and made our way to the back of the lab, past the metal dissection tables and their lids, until we were greeted by the Kings College team and Caroline Barrow who was going to be guiding us through our anatomy.

The body parts had been arranged on separate tables and covered with cloths until it was time to discover where exactly the wrist flexors were and just how trapezius fitted superbly onto the back. It was fascinating to observe just how amazing and intricate the body is but somehow, there was a simplicity about it all. All those anatomy text book pictures were put into perspective and it definitely gave me a better understanding of where and how all our muscles fit together so neatly.

I learn a lot that day, from Caroline and our Cadavers and we want to give our students at The London Massage Company the same opportunity. So whether taking the Intensive Sports Injuries & Massage Diploma, the Intensive Advanced Massage Diploma or you are taking a physiotherapy, osteopathy, chiropractic course else where, you'll be able to spend a day in the dissection labs at Kings with The London Massage Company. We are setting up links with the college and looking at dates in the diary so hopefully that day won't be too far away.

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